Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Book Published

I have not written here much at all. But the good news is I am now a published author. The book has nothing to do with hunting though. It is a children's book titled, "Why People Should Be Like Trees." The book is about the virtues of trees and why those virtues should be shared with children.

My love of the outdoors provided me with the inspiration to write the book. Back in November of 2007 as I was sitting in the woods contemplating about what was going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, I was looking around admiring the various types of trees. I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be great if people got along as well as trees did. Here in the woods were numerous species of trees of all different sizes, living peacefully together.

I started thinking about how I could relay this idea to young children. I pulled out a business card from my wallet and started jotting down some notes. When I got home, I threw the business card with my list of notes written on it in my desk.

In February of 2009, I came across my notes and decided to work on a project to compose a children’s book. I completed the project in March, submitted the manuscript to Tate Publishing, and received notification in April of 2009 they would publish my book.

The book was officially released August 9th. If you are interested in obtaining a copy for a young child you know, please visit my website at www.craigcribbs.com. Remember, Christmas will be here soon and this book would make a wonderful gift.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Economy: Hunters vs Wildlife Watchers

I was doing some research today and came across some interesting information. I stumbled upon The Humane Society's website. They had an article from February 2, 2009
containing data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service most recent report that was published in 2006. This report can be viewed at http://wsfrprograms.fws.gov/Subpages/NationalSurvey/nat_survey2006_final.pdf. They made a point to mention wildlife watchers contribute significantly more to the U.S. economy than hunters, including nearly twice as much in 2006 ($46 billion vs. $23 billion). In 2006, there were an estimated 12.5 million hunters and 71 million wildlife watchers. If my numbers are correct, that means each hunter contributed $1,840 to the economy compared to only $648 per wildlife watcher. Although the 2006 indicates the number of hunters may be going down, it also proves hunters still contribute more money to the economy...almost three times more than wildlife watchers. And I would bet the majority of hunters are also wildlife watchers. I know I am.